Studien zu Geschichte, Kultur und Religion 
Ägyptens und des Alten Testaments 

Established by Manfred Görg

Edited by
Stefan Jakob Wimmer 
and Wolfgang Zwickel 

AeAT is published by Zaphon Press

The series AEGYPTEN UND ALTES TESTAMENT (“Egypt and the Old Testament“, abbrev. ÄAT or AeAT) was established in 1979 by Manfred Görg (1938-2012). His intention was to provide an easily accessible, low-threshold medium for academic publications at low cost, for Egyptologists and Biblical scholars alike. It has been addressing junior scholars as well as established, notable dignitaries in their fields.

By today, AeAT’s spectrum covers the philological, art historical, and archaeological branches of Egyptology, as well as Old Testament exegesis, the archaeology, glyptics and epigraphy of Israel/Palestine and neighboring regions such as Sinai and Transjordan, literature and history of religions, from the Bronze Ages up to Greco-Roman and early Christian periods, as well as relevant aspects of research history

Topics encroaching both Egyptology and Biblical research are specially encouraged, but by no means compulsory. AeAT publishes e.g. specific studies in the mentioned fields, excavation reports, festschriften, conference acts, collected papers, and more. 

Publishing in AeAT

Following the concept as envisioned by Manfred Görg, the layout can be designed as flexible as is reasonable. While in the initial stages of AeAT, authors were free to design their own layout, this is today no longer commonly accepted. The Zaphon Press provides guidelines as recommendations for the authors. Deviations and variations need to be negotiated with Zaphon. 

AeAT advocates an uncomplicated, low-threshold procedure for accepting high quality manuscripts. This is why we deliberately resist a current trend of insisting on peer review. The editors decide on acceptance of submitted manuscripts, while they may consult with colleagues for their additional expertise where appropriate. Further influence will be excluded. 

No cost for authors

Authors are not expected to pay for publishing in AeAT, as a rule.
Anything exceeding the standard specifications of AeAT volumes – such as e.g. color plates or folded maps – will be charged by Zaphon. 


 AeAT is published in A4 format, hardcover with b&w or color illustration (at no cost). Separate volumes, such as for text and for plates, are possible, if necessary.  

Your request

We look forward to your manuscripts! 
Send us your publication request, together with the current state of your work, in electronic form to:

[email protected] for Egyptological titles,

[email protected] for Biblical and archaeological titles,

and in each case cc/ to the co-editor and to Kai Metzler of Zaphon press: 

[email protected]

Prof. Dr. Stefan Jakob Wimmer

Bavarian State Library
Oriental and Asian Dept.
Ludwigstr. 16
80539 Munich

Institute of Egyptology and Coptology
Katharina-von-Bora-Str. 10
80333 Munich

[email protected]


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Zwickel

Seminary for Old Testament
and Biblical Archaeology,
FB 01: Protestant Theology
Johannes Gutenberg University
55099 Mainz

[email protected]



Publisher for Ancient Oriental, Old Testament, Egyptological and Ancient History Studies

Director: Dr. Kai A. Metzler
Enkingweg 36
48147 Münster

[email protected]
